Tuesday, January 3

New Year, New Beginnings

Photo taken by my brother Samo of my cousin and I in Soufar, Lebanon

So after spending a whole year back home with my family in Kuwait after having the issue with my visa, and now back in London for my 2nd year of GDC at Chelsea, it was slightly hard to find myself in the group. I think i'm slowly getting there. I had such a great year on my online course with my tutor Suzy Wood last year. It was a great experience, one that i wouldn't want to change or do differently. I learnt to push myself and accomplished things that i never thought i could do. I found out so much about myself and this has helped me on this years course.

Working in groups this year was a new territory i discovered, after having to work solo for my 1st year. I got so used to working on briefs by myself that i forgot how it was like to work with others. After the second group i worked with, i really started to get the hang of things and feel like i had a voice in the group. I learnt to speak up and actually learned to use a new software called  After Effects.

I'm looking forward to this new term, and to learning new techniques and work with new media. I heard we were going to start it off with a book project, something i'm really excited about. I hope to be a stronger group member and eventually one day a leader, to be recognised amongst my classmates.

To new beginnings and and a great year.

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